Statistics and Sport Group



The Statistics and Sport Group, created at the 50th Journées de Statistique, acts as a unifying entity bringing together sports professionals, statisticians, researchers and teachers. The goal of this group is to have a common language to build a dialogue between statisticians and practitioners with a choice of common themes.

The three potential paths are education, service and research:
■ develop courses to increase statistical skills in sport;
■ provide tools for decision-making in clubs, federations, sports and event marketing;
■ draw inspiration from sports for the development of methods.


- Christian Derquenne, EDF R&D (President)
- Marie Chion, University of Cambridge (Vice-president)
- Arthur Leroy, The University of Manchester (Webmaster)
- Pierre Druilhet, Université Clermont-Auvergne (Treasurer)
- Imad Hamri, INSEP, IRMES (Secretary)
- Brigitte Gelein, ENSAI (Assistant Treasurer)
- Laura Bertojo (Assistant Secretary)

Other elected members:
Jérémy Chéradame (FFR), Léo Gerville-Réache, (Université de Bordeaux, STAPS), Sébastien Déjean (Université Paul Sabatier)

Extended Commitee

Marta Avalos-Fernandez (Université de Bordeaux), Mélanie Baconnais (INSEP), Sébastien Bailly (Université Grenoble-Alpes), Philippe Bastien (L’Oréal), Benoit Bideau (Univ. Rennes 2), Florian Bourse (INSEP), Marie Chion (MAPS5, Univ. de Paris), Thibaut de Saint Pol (Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports), Bruno Dietsch (INJEP), Richard Kulpa (Univ. Rennes 2), Adeline Leclercq-Samson (IMAG), Geoffrey Lefébvre (DRESS), Christophe Ley (Univ du Luxembourg), Adrien Marck (INSEP), Sébastien Marque (Capionis), Romain Massal (AXIAL), Amélie Mauroux (INJEP), Tino Pelé (INJEP), Julien Piscione (FFR), Anne Renaud (BFS), Guillaume Saulière (INSEP), Cédric Zimmer (INJEP)


To contact us: Christian Derquenne

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Société Française de Statistique
Institut Henri Poincaré
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75231 Paris cedex 5
Tél. : +33 (0)1 44 27 66 60
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